Monday, May 21, 2012


Hello World!

I have been MIA on here for a while now. Please forgive me... that's if there's anyone one that still reads this blog.
This month I turned 25! Yay! Honestly, God has been faithful to me. His goodness to me has been matchless. I am expecting a newness in my life like never before. A renewal in my walk with the Lord, a renewal in my relationships, in my family, in my professional growth. I just want to change gears and take it to a new level. I am trusting in the One who has brought me this far to take me the rest of the journey. So if you read this, please thank God on my behalf! I hope to be back to this space shortly with updates.

Homie GFunk

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy New Season!!!

Hello World!

There are serious cobwebs in this place. SO sorry for the absence, just been caught up in a lot. Since it's too late to say Happy New Year, I say Happy New Season. It's a new season, it's a new day, and fresh anointing is coming your way.
I hope to be back to blogging like I used to. It'll be a mix of inspirational, personal, and fictional entries... so watch this space!
For those of you who are still with me, thanks for sticking around and encouraging me! God bless you all!

Homie GFunk.