Sunday, August 14, 2011

Holy are you Lord et al...

Hello peoples,

I've been away for a while, I'm back now. I've been reading a lot of blogs but not writing anything on mine. So today I purposed in my heart that I will write even if my post does not have a flow to it.
First, I would like to share this new song by Hillsong that I love. It's called Beautiful Exchange, and my favorite part goes:
Holy are you Lord,
Holy is Your name,
With everything I've got,
My heart will sing how I love you.

So, I've been through some ups and downs regarding my courtship with Mr. But I thank God that He's brought us through it, and we're stronger for it. I'm just learning to be still and know that He is God. I'm learning to take all my issues to Him in prayer and trust that He will work things out even better than I can ever arrange for myself. He's just good like that. So I roll all my cares over to Him for He cares for me. I will not lie though it is not an easy task to just be still. We're doers, always trying to figure out what to do to fix a situation, it doesn't come to us instictively to just let go and trust God. Oh but I'm learning to do that. To not say too much, to not worry too much, to not react at all. He is faithful.

So my dear friends, till I return again, have a blessed week ahead and be still and know that He is God.